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Alfred McCune Home/McCune Mansion - Salt Lake City UT Haunted Place

  • 200 N Main St.
  • Salt Lake City, UT
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This hilltop mansion features 21 rooms and dates back to 1901. Its former owners, the McCunes, donated the historic home to the Mormon Church in 1920 and it then operated as a school of music until 1953 when it became Brigham Young University's Salt Lake City Center. Now restored, it is available for tours by appointment and is rumored to be haunted. Haunting reports here include furniture that moves on its own, cold spots, an organ that plays by itself and a little girl's apparition has been seen and heard, especially at weddings. And at Christmastime, a man's apparition in a black cape has been spotted.
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  • I took a picture of the man in a black cape

    I work for the Utah film industry as a set decorator and in Oct 2022 I got a job working in the McCune Mansion for a film. I got a quick tour the mansion with the maintenance ladies prior to filming and they gave us a quick rundown of the place. Ive never been before but they said it was haunted during the tour which got me pretty excited about working there, but I didnt want to ask about what kind of paranormal experiences happened there in front of my boss though. Well anyway we got done with our first day of filming around 8-9pm on Halloween night, I was walking back to the parking lot and decided to take some photos of the yard area (because why not? it was Halloween night and I'm working at a known haunted mansion and I like ghost hunting), So I took a few pics of the places I felt were creepy out by the east side of the mansion with my phone. I was all nervous because I had the feeling of being watched, so I took some picture of the bench area (where I felt like was the creepiest spot) then I took a glance at them didn't see anything. So I kept taking more pics of the mansion whilst walking to my car, and I turned around and took one more of the "creepy bench spot" from farther away and decided to drive home. When I got home I reviewed that last pic I noticed a black mass right in the middle, so I zoomed in and standing on the sidewalk corner was the man in the black cape. I didn't know there had been sightings of him there because I never had the time to ask but when I got to work the next day I showed one the maintenance ladies the picture and they were like "oh yeah I know him, he's a common ghost around here" lol which freaked me out but I totally believe in ghosts now, I was getting quite skeptic before that experience. It was an awesome place to work though and the staff were super friendly (the ghosts as well). If you have a chance to visit, I definitely recommend it. It full of amazing history, art, and architecture!!

    Posted 11/1/23

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  • Dance Class Ghost

    I was 6 or 7 and took dance classes from Virginia Tanner. I remember the room where we changed into our huge flannel nightgowns was always very cold. I was on the top floor in a very small space. My friend Tamra and I were getting ready to change into our street clothes when a girl walked into the room and they just disappeared. There was a filmy shadowy cast in the room. We were scared and left wearing our night gowns. We told our moms, but I don't think we ever said anything to Virginia. I've lost track of my friend, but I will never forget that experience

    Posted 8/7/17

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Last edit to this listing: 5/30/2017 (2814 days ago)

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