
Peery Hotel - Salt Lake City UT Real Haunted Place

  • 110 Broadway
  • Salt Lake City, UT
  • (801) 521-4300
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The historic Peery Hotel is believed to be haunted by the apparition of a moaning woman, who has been heard in the main hallways and elevator. Reports of the elevator moving from floor to floor on its own have also surfaced, along with the sounds of ghostly children running through the halls, the strange smell of perfume and a tall dark man who stands in doorways before disappearing when approached.
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  • Scary and Haunted

    When i stayed at the Perry i had no idea it was haunted. We had a suite with a livinvg room and bedroom. My Aunt and Mom were in the living room my Aunt kept coming in hearing knocking on the door. I woke up someone grabbed my face i wasnt scared, i called my husband and rold him what happened. He looked up the hotel and called me to tell me the hotel is haunted.

    Posted 7/29/24

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  • Children running

    We stayed at the Peery 2 weeks ago and I woke up around 1:30 am to what sounded like children running and playing down the hallway. We never heard or saw any children before or after that in the hotel.

    Posted 6/25/24

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  • Old fashioned man in hat

    We love the Peery and try to stay there at least once a month. However recently I awoke to a man standing next to my side of the bed. He was wearing a long trench coat and had an old fashioned hat on. He was very tall and dark. I woke my husband and he didn’t see anything and told me to go back to sleep. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep much after that.

    Posted 6/25/24

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  • Scariest day of my life

    I was sitting in my bed just hanging out, when suddenly I felt a fart coming upon me. So like any logical fella I ripped it in the bed, suddenly after a large tall shaped ghost peered in on me from the left window in my room. I felt a rumble in my stomach, it might have been the fart but this truly had my heart racing. All in all I saw the tall slender black figure and it scared me half to death. You have been warned.

    Posted 10/5/22

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  • My Peery Hotel experience

    We left for the Peery Hotel Friday evening. Knowing the history I was pretty excited. The lobby of the Hotel was beautiful, elegant and I felt very connected to it. When we went to check out our room, it was very small. Cramped for the four of us, our only window was facing a brick wall with no sunlight shining through. My mother wouldn't have it. So, we asked to switch rooms. This room, extremely more roomy with three windows and two of them facing the town of Salt Lake, we booked room 332. This option was better even though the bathroom was super tiny and the toilet wouldn't flush. Knowing how old these pipes are anyway, we'd have to go to the downstairs lobby to use the public restrooms.   Saturday morning / evening we went out around town again and didn't come back to the Hotel when the sun went down around 8:00. I decided to go sit in the lobby and enjoy myself drinking lemonade water they have out on display. After awhile, I had to go use the restroom. So I went downstairs, hallways completely empty with no one around in sight and I felt comfortable and safe like home walking through the empty hallways with the pretty piano violin music they have playing in the background. After wandering for awhile, I went back up to the main lobby. A few minutes have passed when I tried to wait for my mom and little brother, I eventually saw them and my little brother looked spooked. My mom told me she was sure they had an experience on the elevator. When they tried to go up to their room, she pushed level 3 and it took them to the basement instead. No one was waiting for the elevator downstairs. And that was minutes after I went to the downstairs lobby to use the restrooms, no one was around. Hmm. It just could have been the elevator malfunctioning since it is over 100 years old after all, but my mother was curious so she asked an employee if he's aware of any "activity." He has only been working at the peery Hotel for six months and that he's never been downstairs before, he told us. My mother then brought up her first paranormal experience was at her work at Einstein's bagels years ago down the basement in the catacombs and she felt something. The employee then brought up the catacombs under this Hotel, and asked us if we wanted to see. Both shocked, we immediately said yes. But with Blade with us, already spooked out by that elevator experience, we had to take him upstairs with my father. My mother and I were desperate to go, even I, more excited that I've never been to the catacombs. Not even the employee, about to take us. He was curious and interested just as much as I was, so he was pretty cool.   He leads us down to where the catacombs are supposed to be, and we run into multiple office rooms . All empty and closed off since it was late in the night, I can't believe he was taking us. We stopped in a certain office room with an eery dark hallway with one of the lights flickering on and off (which spooked my mother out) and he explained to us that this is where activities have been reported the most, and even ghost hunter crews investigated and did evp sessions. Even one of the ladies that supposedly works down here knows the ghost crew, and she's even heard children playing. And, right when he told us that, we heard a child scream in the distance. It sounded like a little girl startled . I turned around to see the employee facing away from me also looking at where the source of the scream came from. My mother was too far down the hallway taking photos and didn't hear the scream me and the employee just witnessed. He looked back at me, asking me if I heard what he just heard, and we got spooked. We were definitely too far down to even hear noises come from the lobby, and we had to practically maze our way through these empty office hallways, there was just no way. Wow. Around the corner there was another room that lead only to the catacombs, so we went inside. Yes. It was dark and spooky, pitch black to see anything so I pulled out my flashlight app from my phone. There was multiple hallways and some closed off by brick cement walls, one had a creepy chair just sitting in the corner. Took a few photos, hopefully to catch something, but got nothing. Then I noticed a more secret hallway that lead to a corner. I wouldn't have seen it if it weren't for my flashlight, because the floor was blocked off by cardboard boxes that I had to climb and step over. I wanted to see where that corner lead to. I eventually came to it, and found it lead to a dead end under a starway that even the employee wasn't so sure about where it lead to. I took a photo, and captured something. An orange light which appears to be an orb appeared in the photo right in the corner of the stairway , as if it was trying to hide. I zoomed in to get a closer look which appears to be a ladys face . Brilliant capture.   He took us back to the main lobby after our little adventure through the catacombs and the haunted office that has most activity (the child scream we heard in the distance) he wanted to check and see if a little girl has booked in recently, and no other employee was familiar. It was then around midnight to 1 AM . A female employee, started talking with us that a few of the workers refuse to go down there alone, and the older lady that knows the ghost crew, has definitely witnessed children noises in that particular room we were just at. Makes total sense. My mother asked the female employee if she knows which rooms are haunted, and she said yes. Room 322-323, they connect to each other. Right down the hall where our room is at, 332. She explained that a man booked a room there and went to enter the room and found a lady in a ball gown, sitting on the bed. She told the man to go away, which he did. He came back down to the lobby to tell them the room was already booked. The workers checked to see if anyone was staying in that room, and it wasn't booked. So they made an employee check the room and see why that lady is there, and she wasn't in the room. And the room looked prepared for a guest. That story shocked my mother, the man employee, and myself. Since apparently the haunted room with the lady in a ball gown is chilling right down the hallway of our room, we decided to go back to our room. We were looking for room 322. And get this. it didn't exist. Room 323 existed, but there was a door right across that didn't have a number. There was a door. But with no and my mom got spooked once again. I wanted to knock on that door, but my mom got paranoid and thought there would be someone there that's staying and would come open the door. So I didn't. We came back in the room and found my little brother and father asleep. My mother wanted a smoke so we went outside, to find the weather changed crazy fast. It was pouring. Lighting and thunder, right after we visited the catacombs, before it wasn't like this outside, this scary weather appeared out of nowhere... creepy coincidence if you ask me. After awhile we came back upstairs and found my dad sitting up in bed and looked towards us, and said: "What the hell did you bring back with you." We were confused. The whole time me and my mother were outside, my dad had something happen to him. He was scared. He explained us the story. As he was falling asleep, he heard a little girl's voice: "Daadyy." He sat up and saw Blade sound asleep, snoring even. the TV was on but on mute, he assumed it was all in his head. So he got up to wash his face in the bathroom. He heard talking outside the door. He assumed it was me and my mom, but we were outside when that happened. A conversation happening outside the door, women talking. Thinking it was us, he went back to the bed and then thought, why were we talking outside the door? He was waiting for us to eventually come in. After a minute.... the voices stopped taking. Then, he heard the same little girl's voice, only more quieter in the background, giggling. Then after awhile that's when me and my mother showed up and saw him scared out of his mind. Dad then found out it wasn't us. And when he told us he heard a little girl, me and my mom looked at each other. My heart basically stopped. Could it have been that same little girl me and that male employee heard scream in shock?? It was truly her. It was a little girl spirit, wanting to play. She probably wanted to play with my little brother, too. She could of likely been the same age as him. After the story my father told , he decided to have a smoke outside. Me and my mother were in the room with Blade. Poor mom not experiencing anything paranormal, but myself I was quite happy I got to experience that, and just thinking about that little girl must have followed us upstairs into our room and wanted to play with my dad and little brother. Things got even more interesting. After my dad coming back from outside he was shaking on the door knob to let him in, wondering why he's making a ruckus, he quickly came in and shut it. He looked at me and mother. He was spooked once again. He told us he stopped next to the door with no number and leaned against the wall. He was wondering about the lady in the ball gown. But, he told us as soon as he visioned the lady in gown, that door started rattling. As if someone was trying to lock it. Knowing my dad he quickly ran off just to not be awkward if there was anyone coming out that room, he walked down the hall and saw no one walking out of it. That was when he was rattling OUR door to quickly come inside, he was scared off his mind. He's sure the lady in gown locked up her door when he heard those sounds, and when he instantly tried to vision the lady that all happened. By this time, it was 2 in the morning. The storm started to settle. It was hard for me to fall asleep knowing activity is now happening with all of us. I fell asleep, and I had a dream. This dream I had, I was walking through the downstairs lobby again like as if I was repeating what I was doing the day before, wandering around the same lobby. Same place in my dream, I saw a woman in a white ball gown in the corner watching me. She was smiling., happy watching me walking through the lobby feeling at home. Remember when I said that? I think the lady in the gown knew I felt safe. I was all alone down there, after all when I was wandering. And in my dream the same dejavu, but her watching me , pleased. The next morning when we were packing to leave, we noticed the elevator was out of order. Curious, I asked when that happened. The employee said last night. ANOTHER creepy coincidence, amiright.?    This was my experience, everybody. I now know for a fact a little girl and a lady in a ball gown resides at the Peery Hotel. They are nice, and will do no harm. If you try to connect with them, they will hear you. Don't be afraid! Ghosts are nice people, especially those who still reside at the Peery Hotel. Next time I am bringing a spirit box to speak to them, and hopefully they will remember me.

    Posted 11/6/20

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Last edit to this listing: 5/30/2017 (2702 days ago)

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