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Cove Fort Historic Site - Real Haunts in Beaver UT

  • Highway 161se
  • Beaver, UT
  • (435) 438-5547
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  (3 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Places, Real Haunted Army Posts / Battle Grounds
Open To Public
Yes - Open To Public
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There are a number of ghosts that are rumored to haunt this historic 1800s fort, believed to be those who once resided here, faught battles, or died of diseases here.
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  • haunted

    To the person that left the bottom comment that lives 2 miles from cove fort please reach out to me I'd be interested in hearing more and possibly doing an investigation. Assurancealarmpro@gmail.com

    Posted 9/29/21

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  • Ghost at Cove Fort

    Since I live nearby, I truly believe in ghosts at Cove Fort, and Fillmore, Utah. I am not going to go into details, but have had personal ghost encounters and heard many stories of ghosts and haunts in Millard County. Unless you have had experiences like this, it is easy to dismiss them. My wife and I served as tour guide / missionaries at Cove Fort also. We never had one experience there ourselves, but rather at places we lived. Yes. There are ghosts there.

    Posted 5/11/21

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  • Ghost bothering residents at Cove Fort.

    We live 2 miles west of Cove Fort. We get strange knocks on walls and doors at night. (Always the same 5 raps) Things get moved around and especially my wife's clothes. They disappear and show back up up to 2 years later. Jewelry also disappeares and showes back up much much later. Some things never show back up. Voices are heard, sometimes calling our names, even when awake. Faucets were turned on outside simultaneously at our house and the neighbor's who lives between us and the Fort.

    Posted 12/24/19

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    7 out of 7 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: (435) 438-5547

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Last edit to this listing: 5/30/2017 (2816 days ago)

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